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Thema: Neue Bilder zu Undead Nightmare und bissl Text [Seite 1 ]  

Kein neuer Beitrag 25.10.2010, 20:41
Beitrag #1   

* * O O O O O
Registrierung: 14.10.2010, 17:27
Homepage: http://www.hoppe-tradetech.de
Lieblings-RDR: Red Dead Redemption
PSN-ID: Audi-V8
Social Club: Audi-V8
Beiträge: 22

Original Nachricht von Rockstargames Newswire
Quelle: Rockstargames

Bruisers, Bolters, Retchers... The Zombie Breeds of Undead Nightmare


In tomorrow's Undead Nightmare for Red Dead Redemption, the mysterious plague that reawakens the
dead gives birth to four unique types of zombie. Each of these zombie classes has their own

To prepare to face off against hordes of these guys tomorrow, check out this pictorial along with
some info covering the four different breeds you'll encounter. Look for Undead Nightmare on Xbox
LIVE and PlayStation Network to be available by tomorrow morning and we'll have the word right here
when it's confirmed available across all territories on both platforms.


The traditional class of zombie is generally a bit slower - but still with enough pep to get you,
and a tendency to grapple and bite when it comes in contact with the living.


A leaner and more nimble type of zombie, the 'Bolter' class is quick and harder to line up in your
sights, but more susceptible to damage.


Watch out for the big boys. The most strapping member of the zombie family, the 'Bruiser' class
has a heavy-set frame and moves slower than all other types of zombies, but can overpower you with
pure, brute force and a deadly melee attack when in close.


Retching, writhing and spitting - 'Retchers' are particularly repulsive creatures that give off a
radioactive glow and can inflict damage and impair movement with their signature projectile spew.

Kein neuer Beitrag 25.10.2010, 21:19
Beitrag #2   

* * * * * * *
Registrierung: 18.04.2010, 08:57
Lieblings-RDR: Red Dead Redemption
PSN-ID: GreenKnightXP
Social Club: Dennis_RDR
Beiträge: 1270

jo hab ich auch schon gelesen wer hat bock zu übersetzten? :D

But, ther's one they fear. In their tongue, he's Dovahkiin: Dragon Born! FUS RO DAH!!!!

Dieser Beitrag wurde insgesamt 1 mal editiert. Das letzte Mal 25.10.2010, 21:19 von Dennis.


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